Setting up a Scalar Random Feature Method

A basic creation of sigmoid-based scalar-valued random feature method is given as follows

# user inputs required:
# paired input-output data - io_pairs::PairedDataContainer 
# parameter distribution   - pd::ParameterDistribution 
# number of features       - n_features::Int

feature_sampler = FeatureSampler(pd) 
sigmoid_sf = ScalarFeature(n_features, feature_sampler, Sigmoid()) 
rfm = RandomFeatureMethod(sigmoid_sf)
fitted_features = fit(rfm, io_pairs)

Prediction at new inputs are made with

# user inputs required
# new test inputs - i_test::DataContainer

predicted_mean, predicted_var = predict(rfm, fitted_features, i_test)

We see the core objects

  • ParameterDistribution: a flexible container for constructing constrained parameter distributions, (from EnsembleKalmanProcesses.jl)
  • (Paired)DataContainer: consistent storage objects for input-output pairs or just inputs, (from EnsembleKalmanProcesses.jl)
  • FeatureSampler: Builds the random feature distributions from a parameter distribution
  • ScalarFeature: Builds a feature from the random feature distributions
  • RandomFeatureMethod: Sets up the learning problem (with e.g. batching, regularization)
  • Fit: Stores fitted features from the fit method
See some examples!

Running the test suite with TEST_PLOT_FLAG = true will produce some $1$-D$\to 1$-D and $d$-D $\to 1$-D example fits produced by test/Methods/runtests.jl. These use realistic optional arguments and distributions.


The simplest construction of parameter distributions is by using the constrained_gaussian construction.

using RandomFeatures.ParameterDistributions

Recommended univariate and product distribution build

The easiest constructors are for univariate and products

# constrained_gaussian("xi", desired_mean, desired_std, lower_bound, upper_bound)
one_dim_pd = constrained_gaussian("xi", 10, 5, -Inf, Inf) # Normal distribution
five_dim_pd = constrained_gaussian("xi", 10, 5, 0, Inf, repeats = 5) # Log-normal (approx mean 10 & approx std 5) in each of the five dimensions

Simple multivariate distribution

Simple unconstrained distribution is created as follows.

using Distributions

μ = zeros(3)
Σ = SymTridiagonal(2 * ones(3), ones(2))
three_dim_pd = ParameterDistribution(
    Dict("distribution" => Parameterized(MvNormal(μ,Σ)), # the distribution
         "constraint" => repeat([no_constraint()],3), # constraints 
         "name" => "xi",

The name of the distribution of the features must be "xi"

Further distributions

Combined distributions can be made using the VectorOfParameterized, or histogram-based distributions with Samples. Extensive documentation of distributions and constraints is found here.


The random feature distribution $\mathcal{D}$ is built of two distributions, the user-provided $\mathcal{D}_\xi$ ("xi") and a bias distribution ("bias"). The bias distribution is one-dimensional, and commonly uniformly distributed, so we provide an additional constructor for this case

\[\theta = (\xi,b) \sim \mathcal{D} = (\mathcal{D}_\xi, \mathcal{U}([c_\ell,c_u]))\]

Defaults $c_\ell = 0, c_u = 2\pi$. In the code this is built as

sampler = FeatureSampler(
    uniform_shift_bounds = [0, 2 * π], 
    rng = Random.GLOBAL_RNG

A random number generator can be provided. The second argument can be replaced with a general $1$-D ParameterDistribution with a name-field "bias".

Features: ScalarFeature $d$-D $\to 1$-D

Given $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ input data, and $m$ (n_features) features, Features produces samples of

\[\Phi(x;\theta_j) = \sigma f(\xi_j\cdot x + b_j),\qquad \theta_j=(\xi_j,b_j) \sim \mathcal{D}\qquad \mathrm{for}\ j=1,\dots,m \]

Note that $\Phi \in \mathbb{R}^{n,m,p}$. Choosing$f$ as a cosine to produce fourier features

sf = ScalarFourierFeature(

$f$ as a neuron activation produces a neuron feature (ScalarActivation listed here)

sf = ScalarNeuronFeature(
    activation_fun = Relu(),

The keyword feature_parameters = Dict("sigma" => a), can be included to set the value of $\sigma$.


The RandomFeatureMethod sets up the training problem to learn coefficients $\beta\in\mathbb{R}^m$ from input-output training data $(x,y)=\{(x_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^n$, $y_i \in \mathbb{R}$ and parameters $\theta = \{\theta_j\}_{j=1}^m$:

\[(\frac{1}{\lambda m}\Phi^T(x;\theta) \Phi(x;\theta) + I) \beta = \frac{1}{\lambda}\Phi^T(x;\theta)y\]

Where $\lambda>0$ is a regularization parameter that effects the +I. The equation is written in this way to be consistent with the vector-output case.

rfm = RandomFeatureMethod(
    regularization = 1e12 * eps() * I,
    batch_sizes = ("train" => 0, "test" => 0, "feature" => 0),

One can select batch sizes to balance the space-time (memory-process) trade-off. when building and solving equations by setting values of "train", test data "test" and number of features "feature". The default is no batching (0).


The problem is ill-conditioned without regularization. If you encounters a Singular or Positive-definite exceptions, try increasing regularization

The solve for $\beta$ occurs in the fit method. In the Fit object we store the system matrix, its factorization, and the inverse of the factorization. For many applications this is most efficient representation, as predictions (particularly of the covariance) are then only a matrix multiplication.

fitted_features = fit(
    io_pairs; # (x,y)
    decomposition = "cholesky",

The decomposition is based off the LinearAlgebra.Factorize functions. For performance we have implemented only ("cholesky", "svd", and for $\Lambda=0$ (not recommended) the method defaults to "pinv")


[Coming soon]


Hyperparameter selection is very important for a good random feature fit.

The hyperparameters are the parameters appearing in the random feature distribution $\mathcal{D}$. We have an examples where an ensemble-based algorithm is used to optimize such parameters in examples/Learn_hyperparameters/