Diagnostic Variable List

This is a list of all the diagnostic variables that the ClimateMachine can produce, partitioned into groups.

LES Diagnostics

Unless other noted, these fields are density-weighted using horizontally averaged density.


1D fields (time, z)

short namedescription
rho(density-averaged) density
qttotal specific humidity
qlliquid water specific humidity
qvwater vapor specific humidity
thdpotential temperature
thvvirtual potential temperature
thlliquid-ice potential temperature
ettotal specific energy
eispecific internal energy
htspecific enthalpy based on total energy
hispecific enthalpy based on internal energy
var_uvariance of x-velocity
var_vvariance of y-velocity
var_wvariance of z-velocity
w3the third moment of z-velocity
tketurbulence kinetic energy
var_qtvariance of total specific humidity
var_thlvariance of liquid-ice potential temperature
var_eivariance of specific internal energy
cov_w_uvertical eddy flux of x-velocity
cov_w_vvertical eddy flux of y-velocity
cov_w_rhovertical eddy flux of mass
cov_w_qtvertical eddy flux of total specific humidity
cov_w_qlvertical eddy flux of liuqid water specific humidity
cov_w_qvvertical eddy flux of water vapor specific humidity
cov_w_thdvertical eddy flux of potential temperature
cov_w_thvvertical eddy flux of virtual temperature
cov_w_thlvertical eddy flux of liquid-ice potential temperature
cov_w_eivertical eddy flux of specific internal energy
cov_qt_thlcovariance of total specific humidity and liquid-ice potential temperature
cov_qt_eicovariance of total specific humidity and specific internal energy
w_qt_sgsvertical sgs flux of total specific humidity
w_ht_sgsvertical sgs flux of total specific enthalpy
cld_fraccloud fraction
lwpliquid water path

Scalars (time)

short namedescription
cld_covercloud cover
cld_topcloud top
cld_basecloud base


1D fields (time, z)

short namedescription
u_corecloud core x-velocity
v_corecloud core y-velocity
w_corecloud core z-velocity
avg_rho_corecloud core density
rho_corecloud core (density-averaged) density
qt_corecloud core total specific humidity
ql_corecloud core liquid water specific humidity
thv_corecloud core virtual potential temperature
thl_corecloud core liquid-ice potential temperature
ei_corecloud core specific internal energy
var_u_corecloud core variance of x-velocity
var_v_corecloud core variance of y-velocity
var_w_corecloud core variance of z-velocity
var_qt_corecloud core variance of total specific humidity
var_thl_corecloud core variance of liquid-ice potential temperature
var_ei_corecloud core variance of specific internal energy
cov_w_rho_corecloud core vertical eddy flux of mass
cov_w_qt_corecloud core vertical eddy flux of total specific humidity
cov_w_thl_corecloud core vertical eddy flux of liquid-ice potential temperature
cov_w_ei_corecloud core vertical eddy flux of specific internal energy
cov_qt_thl_corecloud core covariance of total specific humidity and liquid-ice potential temperature
cov_qt_ei_corecloud core covariance of total specific humidity and specific internal energy
core_fraccloud core (q_liq > 0 and w > 0) fraction

3D Spectral decomposition (time, wavenumber)

short namedescription
spectrum3D power spectrum using the 3 velocity components

GCM Diagnostics

  • Based on this issue.
  • GCM diagnostic variables are not currently density weigted.

default (for Dry Held-Suarez)

3D fields (time, long, lat, level)

short namedescription
uzonal velocity (along longitude)
vmeridional velocity (along latitude)
wvertical velocity (along altitude)
tempair temperature
presair pressure
thddry potential temperature
ettotal specific energy
eispecific internal energy
htspecific enthalpy from total energy
hispecific enthalpy from internal energy
vortrelative vorticity
vort2relative vorticity from DGmodel kernels

1D spectral decomposition using the Fourier transform (time, level, latitude, zonal wavenumber)

short namedescription
spectrum_1dkinetic energy power spectrum

2D spectral decomposition using the spherical harmonics (time, level, spherical wavenumber, zonal wavenumber)

short namedescription
spectrum_2dkinetic energy power spectrum

default (for Moist Aquaplanet)

These are in addition to Held-Suarez.

3D fields (time, long, lat, level)

short namedescription
qttotal specific humidity
qlliquid water specific humidity
qvwater vapour specific humidity
qiice specific humidity
thvvirtual potential temperature
thlliquid-ice potential temperature

To be implemented (for Dry Held-Suarez)

2D fields (time, lat, level)

short namedescription
stream_eulerEulerian meridional streamfunction

2D fields (time, long, lat)

| short name | description | |:–––––-|:–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-|

3D fields (long, lat, level)

short namedescription
streamhorizontal streamfunction (Laplacian of vort)
pv_qgpotential vorticity (f + vort + f/N d2/dz2 stream)
pv_ertelErtel potential vorticity
var_uu_zonalvariances using zonal mean (also for vv, ww, TT, option for others)
cov_uv_zonalcovariances using zonal mean (also for uw, vw, uT, vT, wT, option for others)
var_uu_timevariances using time mean (also for vv, ww, TT, option for others)
cov_uv_timecovariances using time mean (also for uw, vw, uT, vT, wT, option for others)
var_uu_bandpass(co)variances using a Lanczos filter (also for vv, ww, TT, option for others)
cov_uv_bandpass(co)variances using a Lanczos filter (also for uw, vw, uT, vT, wT, option for others)

To be implemented (for Moist Aquaplanet)

This are in addition to Held-Suarez.

2D fields (time, long, lat)

short namedescription
toa_sw_dotop of atmosphere (TOA) downwelling shortwave flux
toa_sw_upTOA Upwelling shortwave flux
toa_lw_upTOA Upwelling longwave flux
toa_sw_sfcup- and downwelling shortwave flux at surface
toa_lw_sfcup- and downwelling longwave flux at surface
sensible_sfcsensible heat flux at surface
latent_sfclatent heat flux at surface
T_sfcsurface air temperature
rain_sfcrain rate at surface
snow_sfcsnow rate at surface

3D fields (time, long, lat, level)

short namedescription
rhrelative humidity
cld_fraccloud fraction
msemoist static energy

More complex diagnostics, e.g. extremes

short namedescription
rain_thresfrequency with which a given rain rate threshold at the surface is exceeded
temp_thresfrequency with which a given temperature threshold at the surface is exceeded
track_locfrequency of tracked features (e.g. cyclones, blocking)
track_intintensity of tracked features (e.g. cyclones, blocking)

To be implemented (for full GCM, additional to all above)

short namedescription
xx(Later: sea ice cover, leaf temperature, soil temperature, ...)